Jade Wire May 2020

Published May 20, 2020

A well-known local restaurateur shared the following story with us:

Why alarm signage is important

One of his customers was in their car after enjoying an afternoon lunch at the restaurant. The customer observed a vehicle entering and parking in the lot and 2 men exiting the vehicle. These men pulled down ski masks over their faces and walked toward the restaurant’s front door. One of the men, upon seeing the Jade Alarm decal on the front door, stopped and pointed to it. After quickly discussing the situation, the 2 ran back to their vehicle and drove off. They understood that this was a secured business and no easy mark.

Additionally, several fire and police department personnel have indicated that the highly reflective Jade Alarm Co. address locator yard signs help emergency responders find and identify a property quickly, day or night, in case of an

Due to the weather and/or long time periods, many of the Jade Alarm Co. address locator signs and window decals may be damaged and need replacement. We would be happy to replace them for you. If you need a new yard sign or door/window decal, please enclose a note with your payment or email describing what is required.


The Central Station Command Center is fully staffed, per UL requirements. Additional anti-viral methods were employed: UV Lamps & IWave -R units. As normal procedure, work areas are sanitized by our Dispatchers. Our Technicians are equipped with face masks and gloves. Our Technicians will sanitize the work areas such as keypads or use gloves. Anyone wanting to enter the facility was having their temperature checked. Personnel are to follow the 6’ distance rule per CDC recommendations.

Our goal is to ensure our Technicians are providing quality & SAFE Service.

HEALTH NOTE : Honey Can Help Curb Plant Allergies

Honey can do more than sweeten your biscuits. It may even ward off sneezes and sniffles, says Ken Dale, President of the Tennessee Valley Beekeepers Association. “If you eat honey from the area where you live, it will help with your allergies,” he said. “The honey needs to be from within a 50 mile radius of where you live.”

The local pollens contained in the honey would help build up a resistance to plant allergies. You can look for a source of locally produced honey or you can be your own source and become a beekeeper.

Here are some tips for starting your own beekeeping.

  1. Talk with other beekeepers in your area and then decide what you want your goal to be – honey, pollination, wax, hobby, etc. A good first step is to join your local beekeepers association such as those in Kansas and Missouri
  1. Find an experienced mentor and, if possible, go through a mentorship/education program. Johnson County Community College has an excellent program run by Bob Hughes #913-485-9132—an EXCELLENT guy to know!
  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are good trade journals, associations such as: www.midwesternbeekeepers,org
Jade Alarm Co. – CENTRAL STATION BLOTTER – Real Life Stories Of What We Do For YOU!

At 9:16PM a motion alarm was received by our dispatchers. Upon checking the JadeVision video feed, intruders were observed stealing material. Police quickly arrived and apprehended 2 of the perpetrators and began searching for the 3rd. Congratulations to all involved!

At 07:29AM a door sensor alarm was received by our dispatchers from a local high risk financial premises. SecureNet radio transmission signals were immediately received at the speed of light! Upon arrival, the responding officers found the back door had hinges had been removed. There was no loss from the attempt as the Police Officer’s prompt response!

At 07:31AM a rear glass door breakage alarm was received by our dispatchers from a jewelry production store. The
perpetrators quickly fled upon noting the Police Department were arriving. Despite the broken glass, nothing was taken. Our Central Station Dispatchers quick response prevented what could have been a disaster!

JadeVision remote video again has come to the rescue! In Merriam, a small business owner briefly left the vehicle to check on the business. Unknown to her, car thieves were on the prowl. The J5+ video system earlier installed at Imaging Concepts caught the incident on the recorder. Upon request by the Police, video was immediately pulled of the incident by remote connection. The 9-month old in the car was safely returned to the parents after a short vehicle chase! Little did Phil Harbour, the owner of Imaging Concepts who’s copier system printed this very Jade Wire newsletter would be instrumental in helping to put thieves behind bars!!

Call Phil for your copier needs at #913-422-5450!

“Providing Your Security Since 1969”

— Joseph Pfefer

President & Founder

Published May 20, 2020