Security for your Bank Account & SmartPhone:

Some of the security measures that are recommended by FBI agent Frank Abagnale (*the “Catch Me If You Can” individual who is now part of the FBI’s Cyber Crime unit) consider the following security measures to be implemented:
- If you have a business, utilizing the services of POSITIVE PAY – a service that helps to prevent check fraud.
- Utilizing SUPER CHECKS instead of regular checks – these checks self-destruct upon being soaked in ‘check washing’ fluids that are designed to remove the proper payee amount so forgery can take place.
- Using a UNI BALL 207 pen when writing checks as the ‘check washing’ fluids do not affect the pen’s ink.
- Consider implementing the anti-takeover software Trusona.
- Contacting your cell phone carrier and ‘password protect’ your account. Preventing someone walking into a ‘phone store’, convincing the clerk to provide a new SIM card so they can ‘takeover’ your cell phone – thus being able to bypass ALL your multi-factor authentication methods and successfully raid your financial accounts. *once the thief is successful, you no longer can use your cell phone as THEY have total control and ALL YOUR information is on THEIR cell phone with new SIM card.
- Check your credit rating and check to see if any inquiries you are not familiar with are not on your credit listing – consider ‘locking’ your account to prevent someone stealing your credit and taking out credit cards, purchasing large items such as vehicles or homes in your name.
- Use a credit card due to the protection if someone ‘hacks’ your account – debit cards do not afford this type of protection!
** Experian, TransUnion & Equifax